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Ideal International School Attendance Policy


1. Conducting classes

1.1. The enrollment in the group is carried out according to the test results (for those who continue to learn the language). Testing is free.

1.2. For individual lessons, at the request of the Listener, a 15-minute acquaintance lesson is provided to assess the quality of the services provided.

1.3. The lesson starts according to the schedule. A Student's late arrival to the lesson cannot be the reason for changing the end time of the Lesson.

1.4. The time of classes is planned according to Kiev time. (Ukraine GMT + 2 winter time, GMT +3 summer time)

1.5. When conducting a planned online lesson: if the teacher does not reach the student within 15 minutes, the lesson is considered completed.

1.6. Group and individual lessons begin and end according to the agreed schedule.

1.7. Classes in the school office can be transferred online at the request of the Listeners or in the event of force majeure.

1.8. In case of changing the location of the classes (or switching to online mode), the administration undertakes to notify the Listener of such changes.


2. Procedure for making payment

2.1. Tuition fees are paid in the form of an advance payment for a semester (5 months), trimester (3 months) or for 12 lessons.

2.2. Payment is made in blocks for 40, 24 or 12 lessons, respectively.

2.3. Payment for the selected package of classes is made before the start of training or after the first lesson.

2.4. At the end of the training package, the Student can continue training after paying for a new training package.

2.5. When paying for lessons per lesson (for one lesson), the Listener pays the cost of the teaching materials issued to him in full and the cost of one lesson increases by 30% because the discount for the purchase of the entire course is canceled.

2.6. The student undertakes to pay for the next package of lessons, 2 lessons before the end of the current package.


3. Order of cancellation / transfer / skipping classes

3.1. Individual sessions

3.1.1. Individual students are required to notify the school administrator by phone or messenger about the cancellation or postponement of the lesson 24 hours before the lesson.

3.1.2. The student needs to receive a response from the administrator that the notification of the transfer or cancellation of the class has been accepted. Notification of a change in the schedule by mail, SMS, Viber, Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram is not a basis for canceling the lesson if the Listener has not received a response from the Administrator to accept such an application. Please note that you need to notify the Administrator, not the teacher.

3.1.3. In case of cancellation of an individual lesson 24 hours or less before the start of the lesson (including non-attendance at the lesson), the full cost of the lesson will be counted.

3.1.4. In case of a planned cancellation of classes by the Listener, the parties mutually agree to add the workings of the missed hours as soon as possible during the validity of the subscription + 14 calendar days.

3.1.5. It is possible to cancel and reschedule classes only on weekdays from 9.00 to 21.30, Sat from 10.00 to 16.00. Cancellation of a lesson outside of working hours has no effect (unless the Student has received confirmation from the administrator).

3.1.7 The student can cancel / reschedule no more than 2 classes per month, while the total number of planned classes per month must be completed within a month. The parties agree on a convenient mode of working off missed lessons by adding extra days for lessons or longer lessons according to the usual schedule.

3.1.8 The Student has the opportunity to freeze training for a good reason (sick leave, work trip) for up to 30 calendar days or donate the rest of the paid lessons to another person who is not a current client of Ideal International.


3.2. Group lessons

3.2.1. A student in a group cannot cancel or reschedule a group lesson, because classes are held according to the established schedule.

3.2.2. The transfer of a lesson or changes in the schedule in a group is possible only with the consent of all group members, the teacher and the course administration.

3.2.3. Participants attending group classes will pay 100% of the cost of the missed classes.

3.2.4. For a valid reason (sick leave, work trip), the Student can freeze his payment for a trimester or semester for up to 30 days and join a new group of the corresponding level, if available, or from the moment the classes of such a group start. Subject to the presence of a group and the Student's refusal or inability to study in this group, the obligations of the Ideal International courses to the Listener are considered fulfilled.

3.2.5. The student has the right to work out the missed lesson, as agreed with the school administration, within 30 calendar days by attending a lesson in a parallel group or at conversation clubs, if any.

3.2.6. In the event that the Student cannot continue attending classes for personal reasons, he has the right to donate his course to another person, provided that there are groups of the appropriate level for the needs of this person.

3.3. Refund for incomplete course

3.3.1. Within 10 calendar days from the moment of the first lesson, the Student can submit an application, in writing, for a refund for a good reason.

3.3.2. Refunds are made in the amount of 80% of the amount paid by the Listener, minus the listened (conducted) lessons in the group. In this case, the cost of the discount for the full payment of the course is canceled and the classes held are considered paid in accordance with clause 2.5 of these Rules.

The amount to be returned to the Client is calculated using the formula:

(The amount of payment for the course - Number of lessons * Cost of one lesson (clause 2.4)) * 80%

3.3.3. Refunds are made within 30 calendar days from the date of approval of the application.

3.3.4. Upon the expiration of 10 calendar days from the beginning of training, a refund is not possible.


4. Additional terms

4.1. The administration is not responsible for the safety of things forgotten or left unattended.

4.2. The administration has the right to refuse the client in the provision of services in the event of a large number of passes (30% or more, according to the schedule), systematic non-fulfillment of homework and teacher requirements, which lead to lagging behind the group level, incorrect or offensive behavior towards employees or clients of courses , careless handling of School property; at the same time, the obligations of the School are considered to be fulfilled.

4.3. The administration reserves the right to:

· Change the cost of training (does not apply to the cost of a paid course);

· Make adjustments to the current schedule;

· To replace the declared teacher in case of his illness or involuntary absence;

· Make changes to the current course rules.

In case of any changes, the administration undertakes to notify the Listener in advance.

The listener and the Contractor (School) do not sign acts of services rendered. If, within 3 (three) working days from the date of the end of the Program, the Student does not submit objections in writing to the educational services provided, the services are deemed to be rendered properly and accepted in full and without objections.

In case of any questions that go beyond these Rules, the Student has the right to contact a representative of the Ideal International School Directorate in writing and receive an answer within five working days.

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