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Ideal International

- fast and reliable translation agency

Перевод юридических документов

✓ translation of tender documents ✓ translation of the contract by a native speaker ✓ urgent translation of contracts, official letters and other legal documents ✓ translation and firmware of the contract in two columns

Письменный перевод документов

✓ technical translation ✓ financial translation translation of declaration ✓ medical translation ✓ pharmacological translation ✓ website translation ✓ translation of books, videos, scripts for films ✓ proofreading and revision of translation of documents ✓ translation and / or translation verification by a native speaker ✓ urgent translation ✓ certification of written translation of documents with the seal of the bureau

Нотариальное заверение документов

✓ Certification of the translation by a notary ✓ Branded certification of the translation with the seal of the translation agency ✓ Certification of the translator's signature (the translation is attached to the original or a copy of the document) ✓ Certification of a copy of the document together with the translator's signature at the same time

111 entrepreneur

✓ Certified simultaneous interpreters ✓ Equipment for simultaneous translation

Легализация и Нострификация документов

✓ Legalization is a confirmation of the legal force of documents that were issued by official representations of Ukraine outside its borders. - How long does it take to legalize documents? - From 2 to 10 business days. ✓ Nostrification is a procedure for the recognition of education documents issued by other states.


Apostille stamping on documents: ✓ Ministry of Justice; ✓ Ministry of Foreign Affairs; ✓ Ministry of Education.

Получение справки о несудимости

There are two types of police clearance certificate: ✓ “shortened” version (that the person has no criminal record); ✓ “full” option (that the person not only has no criminal record, but has never been convicted or that the conviction has been removed).

Устный перевод и сопровождение переводчика

✓ Interpreters of any subject ✓ Accompanying official delegations ✓ Interpreters for work at an exhibition or conference ✓ Guides-translators / tour guides in Kiev and other cities of Ukraine ✓ Consecutive interpreter for business negotiations, meetings

Гиды | Tour guide

✓ Interesting guides ✓ Transfer and escort of tourists ✓ Walking tours ✓ Tours by tourist bus ✓ Personal assistants with knowledge of languages

Written translation cost
Cost of translation certification services
Detailing of translation agency services
You will find on this link
! hand-give-contract-with-text-2019-2020
TOP 3 achievements for 2019-2020:

1. Accreditation of a Ukrainian aviation services company in Latin America.

2. Translations of legislative acts of the European Union for Ukrainian state enterprises in the framework of strategic harmonization of legislation of Ukraine and the EU.


3. A series of translations for the famous singer NK (Nastya Kamenskikh)

Translation Bureau services:
  • translation of documents;

  • notarial certification ;

  • apostille of documents;

  • editing | proofreading of the text by a native speaker ;

  • copywriting - writing articles for websites and translating into foreign languages;

  • maintaining social. networks in the required languages;

  • financial translation (translation of declarations, financial statements of an enterprise, business plan and other financial documents);

  • legal translation (translation of statutory documents, contracts, etc.);

  • translation of technical documentation ;

  • translation of design and construction documentation;

  • medical and pharmacological translations;

  • translation of the website and commercial offers;

  • literary translation of books and film scripts ;

  • nostrification of diplomas and other educational documents;

  • translation with confirmation of participation in tenders of another state;

  • accreditation of an enterprise abroad , full translation support of the necessary procedures when entering a foreign market;

  • legal advice on visa processing and paperwork for obtaining a residence permit .

Translations. Guides. Personal assistants

Translations. Guides. Personal assistants


English, Spanish, German, French, Polish, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Korean, Chinese, 

Russian, Ukrainian and other languages

  • correspondence translations
  • document translations
  • website translations




  • business meetings
  • daily life situations
  • cultural events


Support & Communication
  • personal presence of an interpreter or a guide
  • distant 24h support via skype, email, phone
  • short-term support on organizing a trip


Assistant & Guide & Advisor


  • Personal Assistant or Guide
  • Bodyguard and Interpreter
  • Family or Personal Wellness Advisor


Personal & Family Safety


- Personal Bodyguard


A Personal Bodyguard will guarantee a safe timespending in Ukraine.

The Bodyguards are certified and specially trained to provide the best service.


- Wellness & Medical Assistance


Suggesting the services of the best Medical Centers; SPA & Beauty Salons; Fitness centers; Yoga Studios; Dancing Schools; Individual Instructors

Personal Assistant

Your Personal Assistant will take care of a variety of life management tasks and daily business routine:


- Arranging travel (e.g., purchasing airline or train tickets, reserving hotel rooms and rental cars, and arranging activities, recommending a travel route);


- Accomodation assistance (searching the best apartment for reasonable price and taking care of home maintenance: arranging cleaning services, cooking, taking care of domesic pets if needed);


- Organising business meetings and appointments (phone calls, assisting in setting up or developing your business, taking notes, scheduling meetings, correspondence, finding partners & clients for your business);


- Guiding (suggesting the activities for your timespending, accompanying you to different events and meeting while providing interpretations of conversations);


- Shopping & Finance (buying food, clothes, devices etc.; paying bills; assisting with banking services);


- Translation & Interpretation plus helping with learning a language;


- Research & Information on any topic of your request, running errands




Perfect translations


- To help restore Donbass


As part of its charitable activities, Ideal International translated the documents required to receive assistance to the Donbass Recovery Fund.



Interview in English with the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine


- Before the "Ideal International", the same was done with a scratch on the promulgation of the encryption of the English language from the current Ministry of Finance of Ukraine Pavel Sheremetoy. Urivok:


- What's happening with the economy?

- I usually answer that the economy is doing better than public finance. Because people say that the economy is in trouble. The economy is not doing terribly well, but it's not doing terribly too.



Translations of international cuisine recipes into Spanish for the "Talerka" project


An interesting international project by Andrey Azarov, which presents recipes for kuni peoples of the world - you yourself choose the country and language to view the recipe, as well as the video!



Translation at the INTERSHARM exhibition


Customer feedback from Spain:

Tengo que decir sobre mi experiencia en Intersharm que ha sido muy positivo la traducción, en líneas generales ha sido de lo mejor que yo he tenido, en un español muy bueno , y la persona muy en la línea de lo q yo pretendía comunicar.

Esto se lo haré saber a mi empresa por que nos gusta mucho saber dónde recurrir cuando necesitamos buenos profesionales .

Gracias por todo!

Manuel fernandez

I must say that the translation at Intersharm was very positive, it was the best in my experience, the translator spoke very good Spanish, and was a trained person, very close to the topic I was talking about.


I will definitely inform my company about this, because it is important for us to know who to contact when we need good specialists.

Thank you for everything!

Manuel fernandez

Отзывы и рекомендации от наших клиентов


GORO legal з 2018 року користується мовними послугами Центру європейських і східних мов  «Ідеал Інтернешнл». Виражаємо подяку за високоякісні послуги. Приємно працювати з професіональними перекладачами та філологами. Адміністраторська команда також справляє приємне враження, окільки з турботою ставиться до кожного запиту.


Для нас, як юридичної компанії, яка працює на міжнародному ринку дійсно важливе співробітництво з мовним центром для професийного спілкування з іноземними партнерами та клієнтами.


Рекомендуємо Центр європейських і східних мов «Ідеал Інтернешнл» як надійного партнера, постачальника перекладацьких, копірайтерських та освітніх послуг.

Подпишись на Телеграм канал избранного языка:

English     Español    Português   Chinese

  • Facebook - Белый круг
  • Instagram - Белый круг
  • YouTube - Белый круг
телеграм канал на английком


Телеграм канал на испанском


Телеграм канал на испанском


Телеграм канал на испанском


Восточные языки - СТОИМОСТЬ КУРСА


Китайский, арабский, турецкий, японский, корейский

  • группа КОМФОРТ (6-8 человек) – 6 600 грн триместр (24 занятия по 60 минут)

  • мини-группа (3-5 человека) – 7 500 грн триместр (24 занятия по 60 минут)

  • "1+1" (2 ученика) – 8 400 грн с каждого ученика за тримест (24 занятия по 60 минут)

  • индивидуальные занятия – в среднем 450-550 грн за час в зависимости от преподавателя, количества часов в пакете занятий и специфики подготовки.

При завершении курса Вы получаете СЕРТИФИКАТ о соответствующем уровне владения языком

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