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Greek courses


Why sign up for a Greek language course?

Modern Greek is the native language of 14 million people, and the number of people who speak Greek as a foreign language is up to 5 million


Thinking about learning a new foreign language? Pay attention to Greek! Knowledge of the modern version of the language of the ancient Greeks is the key to success in various areas of modern life. Below are three of the most compelling reasons why Greek is worth paying attention to.

So here are the top 3 motivations to start learning Greek:

  • You are already using Greek, you just don't know it! Most likely, most of you have already understood what will be discussed next. The Greek language is very widely used in modern science and art, and even if for the most part it is the language of ancient philosophers who laid the foundations of modern mathematics, astrology, medicine, theater and literature, many elements of the ancient Greek language are also used by modern Greeks, even in everyday life. and not only in the context of scientific conferences or literary evenings. However, not only the Hellenes communicate using ancient Greek, but you too - the Ukrainian and Russian languages ​​are rich in borrowings from the Greek language, not to mention the alphabet, which was compiled by Cyril and Methodius on the basis of the Greek language.

  • Greek is the key to other foreign languages . This, of course, is not about all languages, but certainly about most international languages. This can be clearly seen in the example of the same modern English language: about 25% of English words were borrowed from Greek. And English is not the only language on this list - Greek words can be found in almost all languages ​​of Western and Eastern Europe, as well as, naturally, in the languages ​​of the countries that were col nated by the speakers of these languages, including the states of both the Americas and Africa.


  • If you plan to become a polyglot, then the best way to start mastering the languages ​​of the world is to enroll in a Greek for beginners course.

  • Knowledge of Greek is the key to a great vacation . We are talking, of course, about holidays in Greece and nearby islands. You will definitely find Greece in any of the top resorts in the world. Greece has been officially recognized as a leader in the tourism sector by a number of international, public and private organizations, and this, I must admit, is not at all surprising. Its attractiveness for vacationers is increasing every year and according to data for 2018, more than 33 million people visited Greece. Accordingly, knowledge of Greek will be an excellent trump card up your sleeve when vacationing in this Mediterranean country. The Greeks, of course, speak most international languages, but this applies mainly to workers in tourism and related economic spheres. As soon as you leave the main tourist routes, say, visit the villages of the mountainous regions, and even knowing a basic set of phrases in Greek, you can find a common language with the local population.

It is also worth remembering that any resident of Greece will be pleased when a foreigner speaks to him in his native language. And this can provide you with hospitality anywhere in Greece and will certainly provide you with pleasant discounts along the tourist routes.

Image by Orlando Brooke


With Ideal International, you will start speaking Greek at the very first level of learning this beautiful language.

Our teachers are fluent in Greek and have a wealth of teaching experience. In the classroom, they successfully use time-tested teaching methods. Philological education, love of the language, the practice of communicating with native speakers and traveling to Greece - all this enriches the Greek language course at Ideal International and allows you to immerse yourself in the language environment.

At the end of each level of the Greek language course A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, you will receive a certificate of the corresponding level. The test consists of written and oral parts.

Image by Massimiliano Donghi



The cost of individual lessons and mini-groups can be found in the section Price

If you are interested in the services of an interpreter or if you need a written translation from / into Greek, then with the cost under the link Translations.

Online lessons:

- at any convenient time;

- skype, zoom, vibe, whatsapp;

Duration of classes:

- 60 minutes - adults;

- 45 minutes - children.

You can choose the Intensive Greek Course and complete level 1 in one and a half to two months. The standard course is designed for a trimester (3 months, 24 lessons) or a semester (5 months, 40 lessons).

Classes at a language school: the capital's branches are located near the metro stations Olimpiyskaya, Kontraktovaya, Zolotye Vorota, Poznyaki.

Package Standard:

- 24 hours of classes per trimester

- CERTIFICATE of completion of the course


Bonuses: vouchers and other bonuses you can get by clicking on this link


Sign up for a free test or first lesson:

+38 093 569 71 55

Image by Hans Reniers

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  • группа КОМФОРТ (6-8 человек) – 6 600 грн триместр (24 занятия по 60 минут)

  • мини-группа (3-5 человека) – 7 500 грн триместр (24 занятия по 60 минут)

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  • индивидуальные занятия – в среднем 450-550 грн за час в зависимости от преподавателя, количества часов в пакете занятий и специфики подготовки.

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