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Arabic language


Are you interested in oriental culture and want to learn Arabic?

A wonderful choice! The Arab world is huge and beautiful.

The Arabic language is one of the oldest languages ​​on the planet, spoken by about 300 million people. Knowledge of the Arabic language has many advantages and contributes to the strengthening of business, cultural, economic, political, trade, confessional and other ties of Ukraine with Arab and Muslim countries. Now Ukraine is actively cooperating with Arab countries, such as the Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon , etc. Therefore, knowledge of Arabic is essential for successful business with the eastern region.


Also, Arabic for study is chosen by those people who want to read the Koran in the original and learn the cultural, spiritual and moral values ​​of Muslim countries. You have a unique opportunity to learn Arabic without going abroad!

We will also prepare you for such international exams:

Certificate of Egyptian Colloquial Arabic (ECA) - Advanced Arabic proficiency exam (most common in the Middle East)

The Certificate of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is an advanced level exam (Modern Standard Arabic, which is used in educated colloquial speech and in the media).



Each level lasts 40 sessions of 1.5 hours (90 minutes). On average, training takes up to 5 months when choosing the Standard program. With the Intensive program (3-6 lessons per week), one level is achieved on average in 2-3 months.


Learning from scratch involves mastering basic grammar and vocabulary, functional structures that allow you to communicate in formal and informal situations with native speakers.


The assimilation of the temporal structures of the Arabic language is assumed at different levels. Also, the development of vocabulary and turns that enrich speech varies. So, for the first level you can keep up a conversation on basic topics, make purchases on your own and even bargain.



We offer modern and high quality textbooks for learning Arabic. With their help, you can easily and quickly master the grammar, phonetics and vocabulary of the language. Also, in the classroom, interactive games and life situations in dialogues are actively used for better assimilation of the material. You will also have the opportunity to communicate with native speakers.


  Course cost. Oriental languages

(Arabic, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese):

  • group STANDARD (5-10 people) - 1300 UAH (12 hours);

  • mini-group (3-4 people) - 1600 UAH (8 hours);

  • semi-individual (2 people) - 250 UAH / hour or 2000 UAH (8 hours);

  • individual lessons - from 300 UAH per hour, depending on the teacher



When buying a package of classes there are discounts and

bonus speaking practices with a native speaker



(one of the listed options when purchasing a course)


  • Student discount for students at partner universities-10%

  • For those who study 2 languages ​​- 10% discount (discount is valid for each language)

Preliminary express testing and specialist consultation: Free

Full testing with the issuance of an internal certificate: 250-300 UAH

Lesson or speaking practice on Skype in a group with a native Arabic speaker

- individually 250-300 UAH / 60-80 minutes

- in a group by Skype call: on average 120 UAH per lesson (the price depends on the number of participants)


Individual lessons: 300 UAH / hour.


The cost varies depending on the course teacher (native speaker or Ukrainian philologist), as well as on the chosen package of classes (the more hours in the package, the cheaper).

Standard lesson in the course: 90 minutes (2 academic hours)

Frequency of classes: two to three times a week


The length and frequency of classes may vary depending on the needs of the students.


For corporate training, the final cost of the course is negotiated.


We provide pre-testing and consultation with a specialist in Arabic language free of charge.

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Телеграм канал на испанском


Восточные языки - СТОИМОСТЬ КУРСА


Китайский, арабский, турецкий, японский, корейский

  • группа КОМФОРТ (6-8 человек) – 6 600 грн триместр (24 занятия по 60 минут)

  • мини-группа (3-5 человека) – 7 500 грн триместр (24 занятия по 60 минут)

  • "1+1" (2 ученика) – 8 400 грн с каждого ученика за тримест (24 занятия по 60 минут)

  • индивидуальные занятия – в среднем 450-550 грн за час в зависимости от преподавателя, количества часов в пакете занятий и специфики подготовки.

При завершении курса Вы получаете СЕРТИФИКАТ о соответствующем уровне владения языком

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